Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Myopia Benefit 3phase.

July 24th. Myopia Benefit 3phase. Elementary.
A horse got lose right before I went to get on for dressage warm up so all the horses were worked up. Carino eventually started to become relaxed and was going around quite when I was called to go to do my test I was relaxed and fine. But then he spooked at the ring, the trailer the judges were in, the flower pots and his brain shut off. He would not listen. Throughout the test I had to yank on my reins just to get him to walk or to stay on the rail because he was completely ignoring my seat and leg and all my aids. I was furious with the test and at him and everyone . It was the worst test we ever had. We got a 46% which is AWFUL for us. But no one in our division got above a 30 and some got in the 50's. However, Carino made up for it by going double clear with two great rounds. Stadium was great, there was a scary plank xrail that many of the horses had stops at. Carino looked at it but with I gave him the reins and put me leg on and he took a little leap over it.. He did the same thing at an oxer later in the course which I didn't understand but I rode it the same and it was no problem. We then went straight to xc. He tried to run out and stop at the first fence but I gave with the rein and put my leg on and it wasn't a problem. The next few jumps he started to develop his rhythm still a little unsure but really starting to enjoy himself. At fence 4 I believe he started to drift like he was going to run out but I caught this from a good amount of strides away and got him straight. After that he was very bold and almost pulling me to the fences. Resulting in his first clear xc course! Despite the worst dressage test of my life, Carino and I placed second in our division (Elementary JR.)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Pipestave Hill HT

So this was an interesting show...
Dressage felt pretty gross, warm up wasn't that great...he never relaxed. He started to relax as we were going around the ring and during our center line and down the long side but then he saw this green plastic bin that he apparently didn't see during our center line and spooked real he was pretty tense after that. The test just felt sloppy but when we finished the judge had nice things to say and we placed second with a score of i guess it wasn't that bad. XC warm up was intense he was flying over the jumps, just really game and wanting to go..but once we got on course he turned into a wimp. Wouldn't get into a canter to the first fence until a few strides away from it, refused it and then went over it..was fine with the really scary second fence and then refused the third over and over and we were eliminated... Erin got the TD to let me go on, some moments perfect others he was just scared and pulling me. This was his first real xc course so what was I to expect? He never has jumped on trails and then come out to a field(real scary for him) and he was introduced to jump judges..the big problem. And then SJ warm up he was spot on and the course was perfect...absolutely perfect..not one issue. So I just need to work on his xc like I had to do with his SJ.. We have Myopia HT the 24th. We are doing elementary just as a confidence boost for xc. But the dressage test is an intro test so that will be very boring and so will the stadium jumping..

VF Jumper Show July 8th

Carino came out a mad man again...
The first round was 2'3 and he was quick and tense..but I feel like we could of got around clear if the second fence wasn't a skinny. He has jumped much skinnier fences than that but never with standards on the side, It freaked him out. We then did the course but at 2'6 and we had no issues at all and we placed third. We then did the course at 2'9 and it was even better and we placed second. I think we both do better with bigger jumps and after we have had a few jumps done and time to stand, watch and chill. We need time to breath and relax.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

July Flatlands HT

Carino's first horse trial was a great positive one!

We were first after dressage with a score of 34. Overall the dressage test was good. Our canters could have been better and so could of my halt at the end by being more forceful about him always trying to throw his haunches right. Wish I could get the nice big flowing trot and connection over the top line in the show ring like I can at home but that will just take both more shows and consistency from both him and I.

I wish XC warm up went better, he just never felt like how I wanted him too. Just to quick and rushed. He refused the first little little warm up fence but I could expect that from him..
We then went to the XC field,.. he tried to stop or he just took a good look at the first but it was a little log and he popped over it and he did a similar move at the second little log. We then had a little canter room and he still refused a good sized coop but then cleared it then refused a stadium like fence once. He then jumped the biggest fence perfectly. But then had two run out/refusals at this gate type fence. Then after that he completely found his rhythm and went clear the rest of the round and he was super confident and he was really enjoying it. And that is exactly what I wanted. Not bad for his first time going xc at a show!

Carino really surprised me at stadium. He was an absolute super star! He went completely clear and listened so well. I was so happy and proud of him. The pieces really started to come together. He is starting to get that shows aren't so scary, and hopefully eventually he will realize that it is time to show off. Also, again many people admired him and gave him many complements which boosted mine and of course his confidence. ;)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Valinor Jumper Shows

I have done two Valinor Jumper Shows.
The first one was June 3rd and that was pretty much a disaster. I did two flat classes, a 2'0 class and a 2'3 class. The two flat classes Carino was bolting and clue why..he was home I wasn't asking him to do anything but walk, trot and canter in a circle. I got wicked frustrated with him. We ended up getting a second in equitation probably because I sat so well to his bucks and we got a fourth in pleasure..there were four in the class. We then did the 2'0 were he refused the second fence and wouldn't listen at all so I picked up a crop and started over..they didn't count my first attempt and I got first...but I shouldn't of got it and I was still frustrated. I then just went for it and raised the jumps to 2'3 and did that class. Carino had some time to stand, relax and watch everything going on. He was then an angle in the 2'3 class and we got second so I ended it there rewarded him and put him away. Did not understand that day at all.

The second Jumper show was June 17th, this time I had my horse back. We did one flat class..the equitation class. There was only me and one other in the class but we were asked to do more complicated tasks then at the last show. We won and not because my horse was crazy this time but because we actually did well and looked nice. Carino was nothing like how he was at the last jumper show. We then did a 2'0 class and he was perfect,..a little too hungry for the fences and we won. We then did 2'6 where he was perfect again but I let my pride in him get to my head and I forgot the last jump so we did not make it to the jump off but I didn't care he was being great. I contemplated going higher..and finally I decided to go for it and try 2'9. I know he can jump the height easily since he is so athletic but I didn't know if a whole course like this would psych both of us out. We went for it and it was our best course and we ended up winning! Couldn't of been more proud of him. I guess Carino redeemed himself and showed that he could act like a grown up.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Dressage Rally May.30.10

Carino was a superstar!
This was his third show ever and his second away show. He loaded on and off no problem like he has been doing it forever. Stayed tied to the trailer all day happily eating hay. Walked into warm up as if we were walking into the arena at home! So relaxed. Our first warm up was quite long we had about half an hour. So I started with just walking him around then did shoulder forward, leg yield off the wall and then just leg yields. We then picked up the trot and did some trot work. Had a walk break, then some great canter. Then another walk since we had a lot of time. Then I picked him back up did some center lines and transitions and some more walk, trot and canter. Our first test was the best he has ever done and the judge liked him too. We got a few 8's and our score was a 65. Then we had a few hours so he hung out by the trailer. When it was time to go to warm up we only had like 5 min. which was weird because I know I wasn't running late but he felt good so I went in the ring. He was doing pretty good and then we got to canter and he was having a little to much fun. He got to quick and strong so then the trot after it was tight and tense. After the free walk he started to relax a little more. The second canter was better but I think he would of preferred to go jump a course then do another dressage test. This was shown in our scores because we had all 7's until our first canter were we got 5's then after the free walk we went right back up to 7's. So with the yee-haw canter and all our second test received a 62, not bad for a horse who has only been cantering since November.

My PC team got 5th overall. We could have done better at the HM part but it was 3 of our first rally ever so it was a great learning experience. And all I really wanted to do was get my horse in a ring and he was great...I was so pleased with the day.

Monday, May 17, 2010

and we begin..

Carino has begun his show career.
April.18th was his first show. It was away at Flatlands Equestrian Center. We did the two phase, Dressage test Beginner Novice A and jump height 2 foot. Dressage test was pretty decent considering it was his first time in a dressage ring ever. Would have been better if we didn't have to warm up outside and then do the test in the indoor. Jumping did not go well at all. He begun to fall apart in warm up and due to the fact that I completely pulled my back out 3 days before, I physically couldn't help him through the rough moments just causing things to get worse. I ended up falling in warm up and Carino and I hit heads and I then landed on my back. I got back on but I physically couldn't ride. So, I scratched and had Erin (my trainer) take him around the course. I wanted it to be a positive experience and I knew I physically wasn't capable of being any help to my horse at that moment.

We had another show the following weekend April. 25th. This time at home. Dressage went much much better, he did spook since again we had to warm up outside then ride the test in the indoor, he was a little confused by the chain and the table and everyone looking at him. But he was more relaxed then the previous weekend resulting in a score of 34.0 and putting us in first. In jumping warm up it took him a while to figure out his feet, but once he did and we got in sync it was great. He of course refused almost everything in the actual ring due to just being green but towards the end he became bold which was a good sign. Even though we got eliminated I saw the progress and I was very very pleased with the day and proud of my horse.
After the show we did a XC school were he did absolutely amazing. Jumped all the logs, coups and barns I asked. He jumped his first ditch (took him a few tries) and jumped his first bank ever! which was out of water! I was very impressed with him.
Also the next day we had a lesson over the same stadium course and he didn't refuse a thing. We even jumped the barrels set at a higher level and this jump wasn't even in the course the previous day, he even could do the inside turn to it. In fact he was so bold he was practically doing the course himself. So i think he had a confidence boost which was a great feeling.

Next we have Pony Club Dressage Rally maybe a little jumper show and then hopefully his first 3phase in July.