Sunday, August 29, 2010

August Valinor Farm HT

So, I have finally completed my first sanctioned. After many set backs with lame horses and bad timing I took the my first own horse that I have trained in both his and mine first sanctioned. This was also Carino's first time ever going BN!

This dressage test was the best test I have ever done. Warm up was great he was so relaxed which I was not expecting. I went in warm up did some walk trot canter then went out and went for a little walk then went back in picked him back up took a walk break and then picked him up again and he was calm, relaxed and listening. We got up to the new dressage ring on the top of the hill, he looked around a little but got a little more pep in his step which he kinda needed so It worked to my advantage but he was still relaxed. It was my most relaxed, consistent and smooth test. When I got my score I was very surprised a 28.5% this was my best score ever and this first time I ever got a score in the 20's! When I looked at the placing after dressage I was in 5th, kinda a bummer since I got so use to always being in first after dressage but I was only 1 1/2 points always from the first place score which was a was not disappointed at all!

Jumping warm up was great also, super relaxed, spot on and listening. We did our thing and then parked it and waited, I then hopped over the oxer once more and then went in the ring. As we got to the first jump I had no idea what he was going to do...was he going to fly to the side like he sometimes does or just do a slam on the brakes..but no problem and then takes off down the hill to jump 2. We turned up the hill to two and he is on it. We pull a rail at 2 but I didn't care..he hasn't stopped! we turn to the bending line to three and its like I'm just sitting there for the ride. He completely was point and shoot. We leave the ring with just that one rail. I was so happy with that horse. However next time I would like to feel a little more in doesn't look out of control but I would just like to have it more relaxed, and adjustable which will come with mileage. He was just in the zone and loving it.

We then head to xc, which after the awesome SJ round I completely forgot I had to do! We walked over, waited for the other rider to get a good ways on course and we were off. As we came close to the first fence I admit I tightened up because of nerves and uncertainty but then he just started to really GO to the fence! so I let him and he flew right over it and then we turned up the hill to 2, and right over that and then he LEAPED over the little bench at 3 (he knew it was small) and then was a little wiggly going down into the new wooded trail. We trotted and cantered down the hill sense he was a little tense and looky, but once he saw the fence he locked on it and flew over it and up the hill. We then came out to the field..took a little look then over the tires. He then came down too fast the next hill especially for the tight awkward turn at the bottom, so I trotted a few strides and then asked him to pick it back up, but when we turned the corner he saw the ditches and other jumps that made up the coffin to both sides of him and a jump judge up on the hill and came to a halt. I gave him a little nudge with my leg and showed him where to go and he went up the little hill to the bank type log then right over the log pile and leaped into and out of the water..making me lose a stirrup... so i jumped the pyramid with one stirrup and then tried to get it back at the gallop but it was I was like maybe I can jump the other half with only one..but then I knew that was a BAD idea and he was in the need of a wake up call so I halted him. We then went on to the combo and that was great and then flew over the DITCH. Up the hill over the barn and then down the wooded trail to the this is a fence I was nervous about and of course we have an issue but not fence related. We are going down the hill he is a little looky but Im getting him listening and looking at the jump not the other jump or the way out and right when I have to come off the edge of the trail to make that tight turn to the line he spooks at the judge and people walking and fly's to the other side of the trail and there is no way I can jump this fence this way sense it is angled the opposite way he is facing now so I kick him back to right and then kick him over it and he goes right over. It was so fast I couldn't tell if he stopped or went backwards without me feeling it but I was pretty sure it was all sideways and forward but I was still worried. He then tried to gallop home on the trail we usually take home but I turned him up to the rock cradle and he cleared it and then on to our last fence up the hill. And he does it perfectly. So I then bring Carino back to the barn untack him, hose him off and poultice him. My mom looked at the xc scores and it was CLEAN! yes!

Carino and I were 5th over all in a division of 16 riders both JR and SR. It was the best show ever, I couldn't be more pleased with the day. Especially for both our first sanctioned, his first BN, and for Carino not to even be cantering under saddle a year yet and only jumping since Feb. and doing xc since late Mar.
Erin will ride him at Stonleigh HT Sept. 25th-26th, this will be his first off farm sanctioned(second sanctioned) and then if money allows I will take him to UNH in Oct.

Friday, August 20, 2010

August 12th VF Jumper Show

Yet another jumper show. I got there early to get Carino in the warm up before it got crazy since he can feed off of the commotion. I was able to get a good start and then I walked him for a few minutes. Some more horses came in and a few minutes later I picked him back up..and he began the bolt/spook nonsense. When a horse came cantering by him he did it and then he would not take his eyes off the kids who decided to run around the woods right next to the ring..(great idea!?) so finally their mom realized my horse was having a melt down after 10 min. and they all got out of the woods...So I let him and I chill for a min. I picked him back up did some more walk trot canter to get him back since we lost everything we just did. I then began to jump him and every jump was spot on perfect. When the lower level jumping started I went down to watch to learn the course and watch how the course rode. Before my class I hopped him over the vertical and oxer one more time and still pretty perfect...but a little jazzed after.. We waited for our turn and went in. This was his first time jumping a whole course at 2'6 without jumping the course at a lower height before. We picked up the canter and it was so relaxed! Which made me so confident because I wouldn't have a mad man pulling me around! We come up the long approach to the nice inviting vertical with that great canter and urrrrrrrrr! goes the brakes. Took me by complete shock and I was furious. So I turned around and kicked him over it. Came to the second..same temper began to I gave him a boot and made him go on. Did bending line to 3 great, one stride good, and then flew out the shoulder and slammed on the brakes to barrels at 6 which he has never had a problem with. Got him over that and then jumped the super scary skinny on the hard tern spot on perfect...(HUH?) jumped 8 fine, then if i remember correctly I pretty much galloped him over the last line and made him have no choice but to GO! and get over it. The whole time there was no crazy running around canter. listening to when I asked him to comeback or open..but just slammed on the brakes when he felt like it...So me with my demand of perfection was not a happy camper...
We then go in for our 2'9 course and he did this absolutely spot on perfect. Listened so well and was so relaxed. We then did our jump off and when I asked for speed or a bigger stride he did it and only when I asked...couldn't ask for anything better. Well, we did end up tied for first but we had another jump off..and I got greedy got sloppy with my line to the skinny which caused me a rail. If I didn't get that rail we both would of still been tied for first since we had the same jump off time AGAIN!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Myopia Benefit 3phase.

July 24th. Myopia Benefit 3phase. Elementary.
A horse got lose right before I went to get on for dressage warm up so all the horses were worked up. Carino eventually started to become relaxed and was going around quite when I was called to go to do my test I was relaxed and fine. But then he spooked at the ring, the trailer the judges were in, the flower pots and his brain shut off. He would not listen. Throughout the test I had to yank on my reins just to get him to walk or to stay on the rail because he was completely ignoring my seat and leg and all my aids. I was furious with the test and at him and everyone . It was the worst test we ever had. We got a 46% which is AWFUL for us. But no one in our division got above a 30 and some got in the 50's. However, Carino made up for it by going double clear with two great rounds. Stadium was great, there was a scary plank xrail that many of the horses had stops at. Carino looked at it but with I gave him the reins and put me leg on and he took a little leap over it.. He did the same thing at an oxer later in the course which I didn't understand but I rode it the same and it was no problem. We then went straight to xc. He tried to run out and stop at the first fence but I gave with the rein and put my leg on and it wasn't a problem. The next few jumps he started to develop his rhythm still a little unsure but really starting to enjoy himself. At fence 4 I believe he started to drift like he was going to run out but I caught this from a good amount of strides away and got him straight. After that he was very bold and almost pulling me to the fences. Resulting in his first clear xc course! Despite the worst dressage test of my life, Carino and I placed second in our division (Elementary JR.)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Pipestave Hill HT

So this was an interesting show...
Dressage felt pretty gross, warm up wasn't that great...he never relaxed. He started to relax as we were going around the ring and during our center line and down the long side but then he saw this green plastic bin that he apparently didn't see during our center line and spooked real he was pretty tense after that. The test just felt sloppy but when we finished the judge had nice things to say and we placed second with a score of i guess it wasn't that bad. XC warm up was intense he was flying over the jumps, just really game and wanting to go..but once we got on course he turned into a wimp. Wouldn't get into a canter to the first fence until a few strides away from it, refused it and then went over it..was fine with the really scary second fence and then refused the third over and over and we were eliminated... Erin got the TD to let me go on, some moments perfect others he was just scared and pulling me. This was his first real xc course so what was I to expect? He never has jumped on trails and then come out to a field(real scary for him) and he was introduced to jump judges..the big problem. And then SJ warm up he was spot on and the course was perfect...absolutely perfect..not one issue. So I just need to work on his xc like I had to do with his SJ.. We have Myopia HT the 24th. We are doing elementary just as a confidence boost for xc. But the dressage test is an intro test so that will be very boring and so will the stadium jumping..

VF Jumper Show July 8th

Carino came out a mad man again...
The first round was 2'3 and he was quick and tense..but I feel like we could of got around clear if the second fence wasn't a skinny. He has jumped much skinnier fences than that but never with standards on the side, It freaked him out. We then did the course but at 2'6 and we had no issues at all and we placed third. We then did the course at 2'9 and it was even better and we placed second. I think we both do better with bigger jumps and after we have had a few jumps done and time to stand, watch and chill. We need time to breath and relax.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

July Flatlands HT

Carino's first horse trial was a great positive one!

We were first after dressage with a score of 34. Overall the dressage test was good. Our canters could have been better and so could of my halt at the end by being more forceful about him always trying to throw his haunches right. Wish I could get the nice big flowing trot and connection over the top line in the show ring like I can at home but that will just take both more shows and consistency from both him and I.

I wish XC warm up went better, he just never felt like how I wanted him too. Just to quick and rushed. He refused the first little little warm up fence but I could expect that from him..
We then went to the XC field,.. he tried to stop or he just took a good look at the first but it was a little log and he popped over it and he did a similar move at the second little log. We then had a little canter room and he still refused a good sized coop but then cleared it then refused a stadium like fence once. He then jumped the biggest fence perfectly. But then had two run out/refusals at this gate type fence. Then after that he completely found his rhythm and went clear the rest of the round and he was super confident and he was really enjoying it. And that is exactly what I wanted. Not bad for his first time going xc at a show!

Carino really surprised me at stadium. He was an absolute super star! He went completely clear and listened so well. I was so happy and proud of him. The pieces really started to come together. He is starting to get that shows aren't so scary, and hopefully eventually he will realize that it is time to show off. Also, again many people admired him and gave him many complements which boosted mine and of course his confidence. ;)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Valinor Jumper Shows

I have done two Valinor Jumper Shows.
The first one was June 3rd and that was pretty much a disaster. I did two flat classes, a 2'0 class and a 2'3 class. The two flat classes Carino was bolting and clue why..he was home I wasn't asking him to do anything but walk, trot and canter in a circle. I got wicked frustrated with him. We ended up getting a second in equitation probably because I sat so well to his bucks and we got a fourth in pleasure..there were four in the class. We then did the 2'0 were he refused the second fence and wouldn't listen at all so I picked up a crop and started over..they didn't count my first attempt and I got first...but I shouldn't of got it and I was still frustrated. I then just went for it and raised the jumps to 2'3 and did that class. Carino had some time to stand, relax and watch everything going on. He was then an angle in the 2'3 class and we got second so I ended it there rewarded him and put him away. Did not understand that day at all.

The second Jumper show was June 17th, this time I had my horse back. We did one flat class..the equitation class. There was only me and one other in the class but we were asked to do more complicated tasks then at the last show. We won and not because my horse was crazy this time but because we actually did well and looked nice. Carino was nothing like how he was at the last jumper show. We then did a 2'0 class and he was perfect,..a little too hungry for the fences and we won. We then did 2'6 where he was perfect again but I let my pride in him get to my head and I forgot the last jump so we did not make it to the jump off but I didn't care he was being great. I contemplated going higher..and finally I decided to go for it and try 2'9. I know he can jump the height easily since he is so athletic but I didn't know if a whole course like this would psych both of us out. We went for it and it was our best course and we ended up winning! Couldn't of been more proud of him. I guess Carino redeemed himself and showed that he could act like a grown up.